Painting Materials / by Jim Hathaway

Is it important what materials you use to paint? Each one has a different feel, a different look, a different speed, a different strength.

I came to Japan as an oil painter over 30 years go. More to fact I had come to Japan as a given up oil painter. I didn’t bring paints or a sketchbook with me. But before long I was cobbling together a paint box from scraps of wood, buying local paints and going out to paint the landscape, crowded little houses and vegetable fields in the part of Nerima I had landed.

Soon I tiptoed into ink painting, slowly at first, but soon was all in. It was exciting to learn a new language, and it came more naturally to my hand, to my well.

For 30 years I have been an ink painter. But now and then I open that old box of oil paint.

This year I painted the same humble house down the hill, in oil, than later in ink.

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