at the lobby of the Long Term Credit Bank of Japan, now gone, 1991
Quite a while ago. I remember the building air conditioning blew my white cloth like the sail of a great ship. This one was filmed for TBS TV.
Yanaka Dandan, about 1995
This was the first and only Yanaka Ginza Matsuri. I paintes a long thing called, "Ox Walk To Fuji." My friend Matsuno-san and his group played bluegrass music from the stage below.
Nakanosawa Museum, 2013
The live painting was a collaboration with a wonderful Oud concert. It was the final day of my mid career retrospective exhibition.
International House, Tokyo, 2015
Part of my talk and demonstration about ink painting, 3 meters x 6 meters in 20 minutes. I have been doing sporatic live paintings for over 25 years in Japan. What a thing.