learning curve / by Jim Hathaway

It is a word my sister and friends use, though I can't bare to.  Learning curve sounds like statistics mixed with education and that brings forth the image of the old bell curve I so often fell to the left side of.

To get this site updated I have gone through three sets of web design software, as well as two more in the clouds.  I have cleaned out my windows and installed Linux, and I have switched to three different servers.  My sister would call it a steep learning curve.  i just call it hard work and education.

I figure with the way I.T. is changing, three or four generations have passed since I did an update on my website, so a little learning and sweat was due.

I hope it all works out.  As Mr Dickens said, the following pages will tell.

at my studio working on exhibition and website, and perhaps taking time in the evening for a beer with the crickets

at my studio working on exhibition and website, and perhaps taking time in the evening for a beer with the crickets