Frames by Jim Hathaway

My frames and scrolls are part of the art and they change year by year to fit the paintings. I’m thinking of revisiting a frame I used twenty five years ago on my jizo paintings. It was a successful exhibition with all paintings sold but one I held back, this one of the Red Plum Jizo.

I noticed that after 25 years the surface of the frame has become dull in spots. I had used wax as a protective covering. I wonder if anyone that bought a paintings back then knows to rub the frame gently with a soft clean cloth to bring back the original tone.

Complicated thing owning art,

February to October by Jim Hathaway

February is when October is built. October is the exhibition. For that I paint in February. If I'm lucky things start to come together about now. Often they fall apart and are built again.

Ideally the summer is for putting it together, making scrolls, frames, invitation cards and the like.

February, Power of the ball by Jim Hathaway

My ballpoint pen has been my friend this lunar new year

New year, new art by Jim Hathaway

I found this fine thin washi paper under some bond in my desk. Did I buy it? Was it given to me? Was it a free sample?

Hard to say. But it is distinctive and just what I wanted to start a new year of painting.

Every year I paint for my exhibition that happens in October.

By having the exhibition I interrupt my painting. Between the exhibition and the demands of the university I am away from actual painting long enough to forget how to paint, which is a good thing.

I can start to learn again. I’m hoping this new old washi will help me with this year’s discoveries.

New painting in progress, next some comes some shading, perhaps even colors

Happy New Year’s Day by Jim Hathaway

Ten yen Fuji, etching

On New Year’s Morning I ride my bike over to Fuji-mi-zaka, Fuji view slope, the last place here that Fuji was still visible from the ground. Fuji has been gone for years. I still make the ride, not in hopes that the buildings that have risen to block the view will have fallen, but out of muscle memory.

I notice that some of the older folks still stop and bow toward Fuji as they pass the top of the slope.

Old habits die hard.