I’m back in Tokyo from a remarkable time in New York. The last time I visited the city there were no cell phones. I’ve been painting in Tokyo for 35 years. I was nervous about what New York would think of my paintings.
In Soho, New York /
My paintings made it to the gallery, Thank you Hoshiya San - it is great packing company! 50 Paintings, at the Park West gallery West Broadway, Soho now.
Unfinsihed /
James Whistler said that a painting should be right every step of the way, from the first brush stroke to the last. I’ve felt this way sometimes.
This is the painting I am working on this week. It is about half done.
To New York! /
50 Paintings, all packed and off to New York, for my So-Ho exhibition in March.
I had great help from the local art mover
Winter Lotus /
Spring is coming, but the lotus on the pond still speak of winter.
First plum /
Visited the National Art Museum in Ueno, on the way home I passed a plum tree and got inspired