Uragami!, “back paper,” thin strong washi wet mounted to the back of an ink painting to make it stronger, brighter and to flatten it out.
I know summer is ending when I find myself preparing new paintings for my October show.
Uragami!, “back paper,” thin strong washi wet mounted to the back of an ink painting to make it stronger, brighter and to flatten it out.
I know summer is ending when I find myself preparing new paintings for my October show.
Summer’s big heat has broken. I used to fly to America for my mother’s birthday. The days getting sorter, summer nearly gone.
In Tokyo, early to work. A month of painting every day. I start to remember. not me, my fingers.
Last weekend’s exhibition went fine, thank you. People asked about the sign.
I lived in Flatbush, Brooklyn, in the early 80’s, attending graduate school at Brooklyn College. Every day I passed a meat shop. In front of the shop was a large sign that read, “Fresh Goat Meat Daily!”
Growing up in a small town upstate I did not see goat meat in the grocery. One man in town had goats, but i don’t remember him selling the meat. Perhaps he did.
To be confronted by a large and aged sign advertising it fresh daily… Was it really fresh? New goat meat every day? I loved the sign, but I didn’t believe it.
You shouldn’t believe mine as well.
My most successful exhibition in Japan took two and a half years to prepare and ran for two weeks. Interest and excitement built day by day - newspaper articles, TV, magazines
This weekend I have two days. excitement will be there or not. There is no time for it to build. the work is collected from pieces of the last 15 years. I wonder what it has to say?
Short time will tell.
I’m cleaning up the studio for a weekend exhibition., digging thru boxes i haven’t opened in a while. I’m putting old stuff on the wall this weekend to dust them off. I also discovered some frames I intend to repaint and recycle. It got me excited about some older themes, that and rereading Melville again.
Probably comes from my early days in New York in Art school, the garbage was rich. I kept my eyes open when I walked around.
Old habits. I found a little round frame down the hill last summer, put it aside. It resurfaced this week and I’m giving it a new surface. Pure fun.
I had an exhibition using all recycled, repainted, re-purposed frames a few years ago. they don’t sell well. Oh well. Still fun.