My New exhibition opens today, Ink and Oils, a mix of things i have been working on.
Facebook reminds me that four years ago today the TV visited my show and were quite taken with my toilet.
My New exhibition opens today, Ink and Oils, a mix of things i have been working on.
Facebook reminds me that four years ago today the TV visited my show and were quite taken with my toilet.
Working on the patina on frames for the exhibition in October!
Deep in it now.
I usually have my invitation cards printed by June, first mailing to media done by now. This year I don’t yet have a title.
Spent this last week with jet lag and postage stamps. What is to become of me?
October and my next exhibition is not so very far away. Time to start sorting and framing. Most of my exhibitions have had a theme, a concept. This year I was just painting. Would that work for a title?
I'm Just Painting
I spent my day cutting up an artwork. It was an andon, a lantern. It was two meters tall and twelve meters around. I had made it for an exhibition in 2005, down the hill.
Kingyo gallery can be frustrating. It is a beautiful space and very nice people, but it is on a narrow road that no one uses. Hundreds and hundreds of people walk past on the main road, Hebi Michi Dori, about ten meters away. But they don’t turn to come past the gallery. I made a giant lantern to draw people in.
It was a limited success. A lantern looks best at night, all lit up. Unfortunately the gallery was not open at night.
After the exhibition I packed it. Even broken into eight it was large to store, for thirteen years, every year thinking that this year I may have a chance to use it.
I never did.
Enough was enough. Today I cut it into pieces.
It took almost as much effort to cut up for garbage as it did to make in the first place.
I went skiing this year for the first time in over 40 years. I decded to try oil paining again after over 25 years away.
This is a detail of Uguisudani.