Ready by Jim Hathaway

I thought I would put them together new years eve, but the handles needed another coat of varnish.

When the glue dries I will still be able to try them with my first painitng of the new year.


Hard Hair by Jim Hathaway

Not hard so much as oily, and not oily so much as wax. I boild the hair and tried to comb it out. Wow the wax. I complained to my sheep sister and another sister answered back tht it was lanolin. These sheep were origionally from Scotland. It seems they are well protected aginst weather.

I boiled the hair again, this time with dish detergent, and then again with laundry detergent. I think I m making a dent in the lanolin.

If it combs out OK I will go on to the next step of the brush making.


Christmas Presents by Jim Hathaway

I opened my presents from America and found an envelope full of hair. One of my sister's no wool sheep was sheding. She grabbed a handfull of winter hair for me to make a brush.

I wonder should I make two long very thin ones or one long sort of thin one? I wonder how it will work with ink?

I guess I have a project for the new year. But first to give it all a good boil.


washed away by Jim Hathaway

Three rainy weekends and two typhoons in a row. i will admit that this was the worst October for an exhibition in my 29 years in Japan.

I do want to thank the valliant few that made it thru the storms to visit. And I'm not saying it wasn't fun.  It was. I got to fire up my hibachi two weekens in a row and that always makes for a good time.

I did a live painting too. I had planed to do a live painting for 5 weeks, adding a little each Sunday. But i quickly found that when people were visiting the show that there was no room to paint. And when no one was visiting there was no reason.

so I decided to do my live painting live on facebook every week when no one was around. the videos are still there on my facebook page.
